AG Mediengeographien


Atteneder, Helena, and Joan Ramon Rodriguez-Amat. 2024. “Ideologies in Geospatial Futurism: A Computational and Critical Discourse Inquiry Into the Arcgis and ESRI-Blogs.” Media and Communication 12 (June): 1–19.
Kirsten, Karina. 2023. “Tourist Encounters with a ‘GoPro’: Three Layers of Hike&fly Paragliding Travels.” Tourism Geographies 0 (0): 1–17.
Fast, Karin, and Pablo Abend. 2022. “Introduction to Geomedia Histories.” New Media & Society 24 (11): 2385–95.
Atteneder, Helena. 2022. Machtasymmetrien in geomediatisierten Welten. Geomedien als Konzept zur Neubewertung der Dialektik von Raum/Ort und Medien. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Atteneder, Helena. 2022. “Geomediatisation: A Dialectical Approach to Close Social Relationship Dependence, Normalisation and Adaptation.” In Mediatisation of Emotional Life, edited by Katarzyna Kopecka-Piech and Mateusz Sobiech, 56–71. Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies. Abingdon: Routledge.
Atteneder, Helena, Inga Gryl, and Thomas Jekel. 2022. “Towards Spatial Reflexivity: Knowledge and Perspectives on (the Teaching of) Competences to Use Geomedia Maturely.” GI_Forum 1: 120–34.
Borbach, Christoph, Max Kanderske, Susanne Müller, James R. Akerman, Manfred Pfaffenthaler, Asher Boersma, Karina Kirsten, et al. 2022. “Navigieren.” Navigationen Jg. 22, H.1, 2022. Siegen: universi – Universitätsverlag Siegen.
Abend, Pablo, and Helena Atteneder. 2021. “Geomediatisierung.” In Handbuch Digitale Geographien: Welt - Wissen - Werkzeuge, edited by Tabea Bork-Hüffer, Henning Füller, and Till Straube, 50–63. Stuttgart: utb.
Atteneder, Helena, and Bernhard Collini-Nocker. 2020. “Under Control: Audio/Video Conferencing Systems Feed ‘Surveillance Capitalism’ with Students’ Data.” In 2020 13th CMI Conference on Cybersecurity and Privacy (CMI) - Digital Transformation - Potentials and Challenges(51275), 1–7. IEEE.
Atteneder, Helena, and Thomas Herdin. 2020. “The Role of Geomedia in Building Intercultural Competence - A Qualitative Case Study within the Context of a Student Exchange Program between Austria, Germany and China.” KOME $-$ An International Journal of Pure Communication Inquiry 8 (2): 1–22.
Atteneder, Helena, Bernhard Collini-Nocker, and Thomas Jekel. 2019. “‘...Ich Habe Ja Nichts Zu Verbergen!’ Zwischen Ubiquitärer Geodatenerfassung Als Geschäftsmodell Und Individuell-Kontextuellem Geoprivacymanagement.” GW-Unterricht 154 (2): 21–34.
Steinmaurer, Thomas, and Helena Atteneder. 2019. “Permanent Connectivity: From Modes of Restrictions to Strategies of Resistance.” In Responsibility and Resistance: Ethics in Mediatized Worlds, edited by Tobias Eberwein, Matthias Karmasin, Friedrich Krotz, and Matthias Rath, 101–17. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Atteneder, Helena, and Bernhard Collini-Nocker. 2018. “Geomedia and Privacy in Context. Paradoxical Behaviour or the Unwitting Sharing of Geodata with Digital Platforms?” Mediatization Studies 2: 17–48.
Atteneder, Helena. 2018. “Geomedia: Manifestations of Power as Mediatized Communication Practices – A Foucauldian Approach.” GI_Forum - Journal for Geographic Information Science 2018 (2): 103–18.‗ 02‗ s103.
Ferber, Nicole, Helena Atteneder, Thomas Jekel, and Sandra Stieger. 2016. “Teacher-Training and School Co-Operation. A Practical Approach for Diversity Informed Geomedia Education.” GI_Forum - Journal for Geographic Information Science 2016 (1): 269–81.‗ 01‗ s269.
Luca, Noemi de, Nicole Ferber, Helena Atteneder, and Thomas Jekel. 2015. “Feminist and Queer Approaches to Education for Spatial Citizenship.” GI_Forum - Journal for Geographic Information Science 2015 (1): 272–82.

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Mooseder, Angelina, Cornelia Brantner, Rodrigo Zamith, and Jürgen Pfeffer. 2023. “(Social) Media Logics and Visualizing Climate Change: 10 Years of #climatechange Images on Twitter.” Social Media + Society 9 (1): 20563051231164310.
Morsch, Thomas, ed. 2022. Der mobile Blick: Film, touristische Wahrnehmung und neue Screen-Technologien. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.
Brantner, Cornelia, Joan Ramon Rodríguez-Amat, and Yulia Belinskaya. 2021. “Structures of the Public Sphere: Contested Spaces as Assembled Interfaces.” Media and Communication 9 (3): 16–27.
Lindell, Johan, André Jansson, and Karin Fast. 2021. “I’m Here! Conspicuous Geomedia Practices and the Reproduction of Social Positions on Social Media.” Information, Communication & Society, 1–20.
Fast, Karin, Emilia Ljungberg, and Lotta Braunerhielm. 2019. “On the Social Construction of Geomedia Technologies.” Communication and the Public 4 (2): 89–99.
Moores, Shaun. 2019. “Cities of Feet and Hands: Urban Habitations.” In The Routledge Companion to Urban Media and Communication. Routledge.
Wilken, Rowan. 2018. “The Necessity of Geomedia: Understanding the Significance of Location-Based Services and Data-Driven Platforms.” In Geomedia Studies. Spaces and Mobilities in Mediatized Worlds, edited by Karin Fast, André Jansson, Johan Lindell, Linda Ryan Bengtsson, and Mekonnen Tesfahuney, 21–40. New York: Routledge.
Rose, Gillian. 2018. “Look Inside TM. Corporate Visions of the Smart City.” In Geomedia Studies. Spaces and Mobilities in Mediatized Worlds, edited by Karin Fast, André Jansson, Johan Lindell, Linda Ryan Bengtsson, and Mekonnen Tesfahuney, 97–113. New York: Routledge.
Parmett, Helen Morgan, and Scott Rodgers. 2018. “Space, Place and Circulation Three Conceptual Lenses into the Spatialities of Media Production Practices.” In Geomedia Studies. Spaces and Mobilities in Mediatized Worlds, edited by Karin Fast, André Jansson, Johan Lindell, Linda Ryan Bengtsson, and Mekonnen Tesfahuney, 61–78. New York: Routledge.
Fast, Karin, André Jansson, Johan Lindell, Linda Ryan Bengtsson, and Mekonnen Tesfahuney, eds. 2018. Geomedia Studies. Spaces and Mobilities in Mediatized Worlds. New York: Routledge.
Brantner, Cornelia. 2018. “New Visualities of Space and Place: Mapping Theories, Concepts and Methodology of Visual Communication Research on Locative Media and Geomedia.” Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture 13 (2): 14–30.
Peters, John Durham. 2016. The Marvelous Clouds: Toward a Philosophy of Elemental Media. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Rodríguez-Amat, Joan Ramon, and Cornelia Brantner. 2016. “Space and Place Matters: A Tool for the Analysis of Geolocated and Mapped Protests.” New Media & Society 18 (6): 1027–46.
Brantner, Cornelia, and Joan Ramon Rodriguez-Amat. 2015. “Mediatisierung Und Visualisierung von Ort Und Raum: Zur Erforschung Partizipativer Digitaler Praktiken in Geomedien Im Rahmen Sozialer Proteste.” In Visualisierung - Mediatisierung. Bildliche Kommunikation Und Bildliches Handeln in Mediatisierten Gesellschaften, edited by Katharina Lobinger and Stephanie Geise, 257–77. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag.