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Internationale Geomedia Tagung 2023 zu „Digital Geographies of Hope“

20. September. 2023 22. September. 2023 CEST

The 5th Geomedia conference explores Digital Geographies of Hope. The conference invites theoretical and empirical approaches to digital geographies. It encourages critical investigations that seek to identify hope and hopeful constellations in the current digitized world – related to imaginations and appropriations of different media in different places and spaces. 

The term geomedia captures the conjuncture of mediated and spatial dimensions of the social world. The Geomedia conference, in turn, provides an interdisciplinary arena for research carried out at the crossroads of geography,communication, media, film and cultural studies. It also builds bridges to such fields as urban studies, rural studies, regional planning and tourism studies, media anthropology, critical data studies, STS, gender and race and ethnicity research.