AG Mediengeographien

Guests: Cornelia Brantner, Mon Rodriguez-Amat, Georgia Aitaki, and André Jansson

With our guests Cornelia Brantner, Mon Rodriguez-Amat, Georgia Aitaki, and André Jansson, we want to discuss different approaches to public spheres and bring them together with a media-geographies perspective. At the center are the questions of how and in which areas the notion of the public sphere needs to be challenged and updated and how access or non-access is negotiated in communicative spaces along the four modes of representations, structures, textures, and connections. Suppose the public sphere has to assess the expected conditions for public debate normatively and for democracy, it has to consider the rich, complex, and multilayered integrated-circuit of the geography of online and offline interactions as an assembled interface.

We start with an informal gathering on Wednesday evening. The Workshop begins on Thursday morning and will take up the whole day. There will be time for coffee, lunch, and fika breaks. Another short slot is planned for Friday morning for follow-up discussions and future planning.

Based on the contributions of our guests, we will circulate the final program at the end of January / beginning of February.

Participation and registration

We look forward to welcoming participants from the working group and ask you to register by January 15th 2024 by sending an email to: